As the legalization of medical marijuana spreads throughout the United States, we are making more and more discoveries regarding the sorts of illnesses, disorders, and diseases that the plant can treat.

From anxiety to cancer, the possibilities seem to be endless when it comes to the miracles that medical cannabis can work for suffering patients. One condition, in particular, that has recently been shown to experience benefits is glaucoma.

What is Glaucoma?

Before we can discuss the benefits of medical cannabis that those suffering from glaucoma can experience, we should first identify what exactly glaucoma is. Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for carrying signals from the eye to the brain that result in vision.

In many cases, glaucoma itself is caused by a pressure increase inside the eye, called intraocular pressure, due to imbalances in the fluid found in the front of the eye, called aqueous humor; the ciliary body, a part of the eye, produces this liquid.

Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for carrying signals from the eye to the brain that result in vision.

Two things could cause intraocular pressure imbalances. The reason could either be a decrease in aqueous humor clearance due to some blockage or a general increase in aqueous humor. One scenario that could lead to this is high blood pressure, which could cause an increase in the pressure of the capillaries of the ciliary body, causing aqueous humor to be absorbed less. The increase of aqueous humor would then lead to pressure.

One scenario that could lead to this is high blood pressure, which could cause an increase in the pressure of the capillaries of the ciliary body, causing aqueous humor to be absorbed less. The increase of aqueous humor would then lead to pressure.

However, there is more to glaucoma than just the general description. There are two different types of glaucoma, and each type has its own set of symptoms that go along with it. Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma and can cause a loss of vision in both eyes over time and tunnel vision, found in advanced stages of the condition. On the other hand, acute angle-closure glaucoma is less common and can cause symptoms such as eye pain with nausea and vomiting, sudden experiences of visual disturbance, blurred vision, reddening of the eye, and seeing “halos” around lights.

Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma and can cause a loss of vision in both eyes over time and tunnel vision, found in advanced stages of the condition.

On the other hand, acute angle-closure glaucoma is less common and can cause symptoms such as eye pain with nausea and vomiting, sudden experiences of visual disturbance, blurred vision, reddening of the eye, and seeing “halos” around lights.

When Medical Marijuana Meets Glaucoma

The effects of medical marijuana on glaucoma patients have been researched and studied for over thirty years now. Although there may be some risks regarding the decrease in blood pressure and blood flow, medical cannabis can be extremely effective in treating various symptoms experienced by those suffering from glaucoma.

In 2000, there was an animal study that showed a decrease of intraocular pressure in rabbits when treated with medical cannabis. The effects were seen within one and a half hours and lasted for approximately six hours. This study showed that the drug could be a potential positive treatment for patients.

In 2000, there was an animal study that showed a decrease of intraocular pressure in rabbits when treated with medical cannabis.

The effects were seen within one and a half hours and lasted for approximately six hours. This study showed that the drug could be a potential positive treatment for patients.

Medical cannabis may also be a positive treatment method for various symptoms caused by glaucoma, such as pain, nausea, or vomiting. However, not all patients may experience a decrease in these symptoms.

It is also possible that eye reddening may be worsened when using medical marijuana as a treatment. You should speak with a doctor to see if medical marijuana would be a worthwhile treatment for the symptoms you experience with glaucoma.

Our experienced physician, Dr. Bruce Stratt, MD, was certified and approved as one of the first doctors in Boca Raton, Florida to see and evaluate patients for the use of medical cannabis.

If you’re interested in having a condition treated with medical marijuana, please call us to pre-qualify for medical cannabis.

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